Stavebank Florist ensures the magic of same-day roses delivery, offering a range of exquisite floral arrangements. As the nearest florist in Mississauga, our shop provides timely flower delivery, including funeral arrangements and wedding bouquets. Experience the charm of orchids or choose from our seasonal flower selection. With Stavebank Florist, make every moment special with our premium and prompt florist services.
Work history
Open since 1963, Stavebank Florist has been a solid contributor to the Port Credit community bringing colour and emotion in the form of fresh floral arrangements. Newly renovated and under new management, a lot has changed, but the friendly, welcoming atmosphere has stayed the same.
Education and qualifications
Stavebank Florist continues to build the reputation of affordable, high-quality floral arrangements and gifts with a loyal local customer base.
Call us or visit our newly renovated boutique styled shop. Consultations are always free, and we look forward to satisfying all of your floral needs!