
Vincent Piucci, Jr.

Product Developer, Inventor, Patent Analyst, Writer




  • Sep 23, 2015


  • Oakham, Massachusetts, United States

    Active Country

  • English


  • Practice Areas


Engineer, Inventor, Product Developer, Problem Solver
• Develop products with an emphasis on simplicity, usability, functionality and dependability
• Manage the chaos and risk of the fuzzy early stages of innovation
• Recognize and design simple, non-traditional solutions to difficult engineering problems
• Manage collaboration between development teams and individuals

IP Strategist, Patent Analyst
• Capture and define new intellectual properties
• Perform targeted intellectual property analyses to evaluate patentability, infringement, validity and new product or business ideas
• Assess value of technology and patents for potential mergers and acquisitions
• Develop patents and patent families to provide strategic protection with broad depth for future growth

Informational Writer
• Communicate complex technical assessments in a digested, usable form
• Prepare invention disclosures for patent applications that withstand legal scrutiny and interpretation
• Compose everything necessary to file and prosecute a patent application with the strongest protection possible
• Bilingual (engineer, lawyer) translations bridge the gap between technical systems and legal documentation

Work history

Pensata, a division of Piucci Design & Development
1992 – Present (23 years)Massachusetts
Clients include:
• Multi-billion dollar corporations, including Sealed Air Corporation and Parker Hannifin
• Small to mid-sized manufacturers
• Start-ups and independent inventors
• Design Firms

Senior Design Engineer
The Stanley Works - Fastening Systems Division
1989 – 1992 (3 years)Worcester, MA and East Greenwich, RI

Project Engineer
Ametek, Inc.
1985 – 1989 (4 years)Largo, FL

Education and qualifications

Vin’s unique combination of skills and experience have given him expertise in inventing and developing products and businesses, analyzing intellectual properties, and cultivating patent strategies. His work with both commercial and consumer products has included medical devices, instrumentation, industrial lasers, protective packaging, plastics, hand tools, and sporting goods. He holds 27 U.S. patents, 36 foreign patents, and has numerous patents pending
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