High class Italian eyewear manufacturing technology for frames
Highclass Italian Eyewear Technology - Sprung joint
High class Italian eyewear manufacturing technology for the frames
High class Italian eyewear manufacturing technology
This patent-pending technology is a process to convert natural gas (NG) underground to Hydrogen (H2) or electricity with minimal air pollution. The NG does not need to be put into any pipeline....
More than 50 % of all source energy (coal, natural gas, diesel, JP8,...) used to make electric power is wasted as low grade heat. There are no high-efficiency options available in the world today....
This intellectual property describes a Zero Emission Electricity Power Plant. The claims for this intellectual property are represented in a divisional patent in China, the USA and the EU. The C...
More than 50 % of all source energy (coal, natural gas, diesel, JP8, nuclear...) used to make electric power is wasted as low-grade heat. There are no high-efficiency options available in the worl...
日常生活で通常時より装着することで突発的な嘔吐に対応でき、簡潔に後処理がする事が出来る。 これにしたがって、嘔吐物を封じ込め、的確に処理する事で、家族間や集団生活の場において 二次感染を防ぐことが出来る、嘔吐物を受け止める事が出来るマスクを提供できる。
Posidonia Oceanica Treatments