We’ve made it our mission to help you save money, everyday, through the Mobkard App. With promotions, sales, and privileges everywhere, we provide a better way to get you the right buying information at the right time. Information you can act on, and in the process, leave you with just a little bit more for the other important things in life. Mobkard… get MORE for less.
Our location based technology sends exclusive sales and discounts all around you ensuring that you don’t miss out on opportunities to enjoy shopping and save at the same time. Going out for lunch, having a shopping day, planning a wellness retreat, or anything at all? Check-out your Mobkard app and make sure that you don’t miss-out.
We enable partner brands to run various real time sales exclusively for you. Check out the latest Flash Sales or existing deals and privileges and save on purchases. For discounts that go a long way, check your Mobkard app today!