Before consulting an expert about gaining a patent for our invention, what kind of preparatory steps should we take to make the process as smooth and quick (and cheap) as possible? For instance, should we start preparing certain documents representing the technology or is everything just dealt with by the patent attorney?
Thank you!
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As you noted, the easier you make it for the patent attorney, the easier it is for the attorney to prepare a good patent application. Other than in a chemical application, which normally does not have drawings, you will need to put together a written description of your system, apparatus, or method constituting your invention. In addition, you will need drawings showing what the system or apparatus comprises. Try to provide as much as possible to the attorney - the attorney will then review it and probably discuss it further with you in order to ensure that the final application is complete, accurate, and thorough.
First step before sharing your idea with third party, Go for Non Disclosure Agreement.
After than its good to prepare your technical detail by yourself ,use Invention Disclosure Form for this which can be provided by any attorney/agent/advisor.
Also advisor do prepare this IDF for client but its good to review that in detail to see if its following your idea or not.
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