Which legal expenses should we expect in our first year of business?


We are a small team of co-founders from the UK. At this point we are bootstrapping our startup and try to keep expenses as low as possible. I would like to know how much legal costs we should calculate into our financial projections for the first year. Is the overview given by the Lexoo "Startup Menu" (http://bit.ly/StartuplawMenu) really accurate and if so which of these points will probably be necessary in the first year?

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Andrew green

If your company is based and operates within the UK, then the overview given by the "Startup Menu" you provided is fairly accurate. My understanding is that menu is based on data provided by quotes from thousands of UK lawyers.

Legal fees for a seed stage investment are typically between £1200-2000 for the whole round. Under SEIS, investors in your company are prohibited from holding preference shares. That impacts your legal fees because then you lawyers don't have to spend billable hours negotiating terms. Further, at that stage of your company, investors (or I should say, good investors) don't expect your company to pay their legal fees.

Once you get to the Series A round, you can typically expect your fees to go up. Again, if you are in the UK, you can expect those fees to be between £12,000 and £20,000. Things heat up at this stage and you can expect to employ either a larger, more sophisticated law firm or a boutique firm focused primarily on startup funding. Further, at this stage, you will likely be expected to pay for the investors legal fees, which can range from £15,000 to £20,000.

I cannot say with specificity which of the points in the menu will be necessary within the first year. That really depends on the type of company you are running, what you are offering, etc. However, you can likely expect to need most of the "Starters", the "Share Plates", and a few of the "Meaty Bites" and "Sides." Again, I would need to know more to say what you will exactly need. I hope this helps.


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