What is a good IP strategy for apps that have a high risk of clones?


For apps like Angry Birds and Bejeweled/Candy Crush the number of clone apps that where developed right after they became a hit was huge. As far as I know, Rovio did not do anything against the Angry Birds clones. What would be the strategy behind that? What would be a good strategy for apps that risk being imitated or copied in large numbers?

回答: 2 公開 & 0 非公開

Lawrence lau

Comprtition law applies so you can prevent passing off via trademarking characters or key names, APIs a little more tricky. Other tricks are network effects such as global leaderboard or tricky uses of EU Data Protection Directive. Otherwise hope for first mover advantage and keep on innovating. If worried about being copied then either not that much advantage in being proprietary (open source) or else leverage market role into standards setting.

          2014 08 05 16.37.15

Like any invention, it would be subject to the legislation of IP and the rules of copyright. The register would be on the mark to which, you have to assign a few products and services to protect, which are what lend the mark. If the APP is cloned, copyrights are violated and may sue under those laws.


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