How do we make sure an employee-NDA is enforceable?


For NDAs that make sure certain employees who have access to the most sensitive information in the company, how can we make sure they are enforceable? Also, what is the best way not just to make them enforceable, but also to draft them in a way that actually deters breaches most effectively?

回答: 1 公開 & 1 非公開


A number of factors will impact how you can effectively enforce your NDA, including what type of NDA you use and what type of information you are protecting. You can get a lot more information on this topic from some of the articles previously posted on our blogs (please take a look at the links I've provided below). As to the second part of your question (regarding how to protect your information in your specific situation), it sounds like you may need to consult an expert so that your requirements can be reflected in the exact language of your NDA.


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