Does my technology belong to the university I work for?


I am a material science researcher and Ph.D. candidate at a public university. In the course of my research, I have developed a technology for which I would like to register a patent. Is this possible? Does intellectual property that I create belong to the university? What are my next steps?

Thank you for your insight.

回答: 2 公開 & 2 非公開

Lawrence lau

Most unis have IP policies ... in the British model, you usually retain copyright to publish research outcomes but any commercial outcome developed using Uni resources (lab, reagents, supervision) usually different rules. Check your technology transfer office (if any) and see whether they are ammenable to a deal where they register the rights but license them to you as private spin out for a nominal fee.


No, you cannot register a patent, But still it depends on the research course and the terms executed by the course program whether it is funded by a the university itself or external organization funding the research. Please review / recollect if you have executed any NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement which includes confidentiality and Intellectual Property (IP) rights terms as part of your research program as a researcher.

I advise you to get in touch with your university technology transfer department who generally takes care of such activities.

Hope these comments would be useful to you

The opinions expressed here are the personal opinions, but do not constitute legal advice.


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