We would like to create a US division of our company and focus on the the North American market. In your experience, how much time and money, including company registration, VISA formalities, bank accounts, etc. does it take for a foreign startup to start in the States? What's a ballpark timeline?
回答: 2 公開 & 0 非公開
This will of course depend on the scope of your foreign / international operation. Are you trying to manufacture and sell t-shirts domestically, or are you trying to import controlled substances?
Forming an entity and setting up a bank account, even on behalf of a foreign entity, may be accomplished within a week under the right circumstances but simply doing that isn't exactly "entering" the U.S. market, so to speak.
I would defer to immigration counsel on the VISA-related matters, but generally your ballpark timeline, and costs and fees to be spent therein, will depend on more facts. I would recommend you speak with counsel in private to review those facts to get actionable advice.
Between $1 and $500,000. why $1? Because you could easily partner with a company already here for nothing. The 500k is for a special visa which allows your direct ceo or owner and family to receive a green card. There's many ways. You need a consultant and he can also deal with the lawyers for that end for you.
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