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  • Global Trademark Process
    商標 Please I need to get a global trademark for a client. Can anyone kindly walk me through the process and cost implication. Also as a Legal practitio...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 1640 いいね: 5 ナイジェリア
  • Tax rules for new startup
    税務 I want to incorporate my startup in California. What are the applicable tax laws I should note about starting up? Does the government treat startup...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1401 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • Uploaded user data
    著作権 I want to allow the users to upload (or fetch from a service) an image to go with their blog post. Are there any implications for me if they put th...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1725 いいね: 1 アメリカ合衆国
  • Legal documents for foreign co-founder
    ビジネスフォーメーション CA single member LLC brings in a co-founder/developer. We are both non-US citizens and living in the EU. Is it possible to add a co-founder to a...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1334 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • What is the process of tech due diligence for a startup acquisition?
    ビジネスストラテジー Suppose the main value of startup A is a breakthrough technology that no one has figure out yet. It has no revenue, no customers and purely living ...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 2097 いいね: 1 アメリカ合衆国
  • Using potentially patented tech in a complex hardware/app product
    特許 We are developing a new kind of monitoring device which will integrate into a smart home security system. Our product is the whole security system,...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1689 いいね: 4 アメリカ合衆国
  • When is it a good idea to change your lawyer?
    ビジネスストラテジー The law firm we have been working with so far doesn't seem to have a lot of experience in working with other startups. It also seems like they requ...
    回答: 3 閲覧: 1598 いいね: 2 イギリス
  • Can I register the name of an app before the app is finished?
    商標 Since I want to create a brand for selling my self-designed items, I'm planning to create an app with the same name to promote them. The app wil...
    回答: 3 閲覧: 1928 いいね: 9 アメリカ合衆国
  • Building music databases
    著作権 We are a building an exercise/health app that will include music and videos. To build a strong feature, we want to make as much music accessible as...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1718 いいね: 1 アメリカ合衆国
  • How should we handle shares when co-founder leaves?
    ビジネスオペレーション Hi! My co-founder has decided to leave the company after only one year of working together and pre-money. We don't have a vesting agreement or anyt...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1851 いいね: 2 アメリカ合衆国