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  • How to register a trademark + costs?
    商標 I would like to ask for clarifications regarding different aspects of trademark registration for our business: What exactly do we have to do to ...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 1523 いいね: 0 イギリス
  • business method patents for fintech startups
    特許 We are developing technology that facilitates payment transactions with mobile and connective devices. In the process of business foundation, we ar...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1684 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • Patents available for website GUIs?
    特許 Our company has developed an innovative ed-tech website interface and we were wondering if we can file for a patent regarding the design. I believe...
    回答: 3 閲覧: 1761 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • When can we rely on Trade Secret Protection for our technology?
    特許 Hello! We are a US-based IT startup in the field of UAV/mobile device interfaces. I have heard that a lot of startups develop their products withou...
    回答: 3 閲覧: 1469 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • domain name registered by someone else - what can we do about it?
    商標 What can we do against someone who has a domain name registration that represents our brand name? In the first days of our startup, when we wer...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1708 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • Is our brand too close to a registered trade mark?
    商標 We would like to register a trade mark for our company. Some initial searching has turned up another word mark which seems somewhat similar to our...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 1481 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • What exactly is convertible debt?
    金融サービス Hi! I would like to ask another question regarding startup finance: I have heard about convertible debt as a tool for startups to give early employ...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1476 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • What are the best funding options of a technology startup?
    資金調達 I would like to inquire about funding options for technology startups. We are a team based in Boulder, CO. As a research group we have been special...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1434 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • Can I use U.S.-based servers without violating German privacy laws?
    Hello everybody I am working for a start-up company based in Germany. I would like to know if anybody could share experiences concerning data pr...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1224 いいね: 0 ドイツ
  • What obligations do we have if we use GPL-licensed software?
    著作権 We are using software libraries licensed under the GPL v2 to develop our own server applications. We do not sell nor otherwise distribute any softw...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1207 いいね: 0