We all know this problem: an invention disclosure contains a gray-scale computer image. We need to convert it into a black & white line drawing before we can use it for a patent application.
The picture above illustrates what needs to be done.
I am using the free FotoSketcher software for that, and these are the steps to do so in a very short time:
I have recorded a short screencast video about the above steps for you, here.
This video is part of the Patent Drafting Courses on my webpage www.ip-lawyer-tools.com.
By-the-way, it is most time-saving if you let your assistant do this type of work.You can use the above video to teach him or her how to do this.
Martin “Better and Faster Patent Drawings” Schweiger
Visit my site, www.IP-Lawyer-Tools.com, for the latest information on tips and tricks that help IP lawyers saving time and money.