11 経験

0 推薦

0 記事投稿

  • Mar 13, 2015

    IP Nexus登録日

  • Beijing, 中華人民共和国


  • China

    法曹協会(Bar admissions)

  • English, Chinese (Simplified)


  • 事業分野

  • 専門分野


Patent Attorney
Qualification of Attorney at Law

1. Keynote speaker of Patent Information Annual Conference (PIAC) of China 2014

Topic: Standard and Patent

2. Keynote speaker of 2014 AIPPI China Youth IP Seminar

Topic: Doctrine of Equivalents

3. Keynote speaker of the IPG (Intellectual Property Group) for JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) in June 2014.

Topic: Computer-program-related patent: drafting and enforcement.

4. Keynote speaker in the Seminar of Network IP Judicial Practice held by the Beijing Higher Court in May 2014.

Topic: Functional-defined feature - punishment or remedy.

5. Lecturer of the All China Patent Agents Association (ACPAA)

Lectures: Drafting in electronics field; and Computer-program-related drafting.

6. Keynote speaker in China Judge Meeting on Patent Validity Determination in August 2013.

Topic: Statutory subject matter.


Beyond Talent, Partner

CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office, Patent Attorney, Attorney at Law

-Patent Litigation
-Patent Infringement
-Patent Analysis
-Patent Drafting
-Patent Prosecution

Beijing Zhongzi Law Office, Patent Engineer

-Patent Prosecution

GW Technologies, R&D Engineer

Ethernet, PON, EPON; Protection Switching


University of New Hampshire School of Law (formerly known as Franklin Pierce Law Center) , Advanced Patent Law Institute: Advanced Patent Practice; ADR; Patent Portfolio
Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications master, Broadband communication, Optical communication, EPON
Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications Bachelor, Telecommunication
BSKB SPS , US Patent Practice
VOSSIUS & PARTNER Training Course , European and German Patent Law


"Bad Embodiments: Supreme Court Guidance on Embodiments", Managing Intellectual Property, China IP Focus 2013,

“Technical Problem in an Invention”, http://www.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?QueryID=0&CurRec=4&recid=&filename=ZHZL201404009059&dbname=CPFDLAST2014&dbcode=CPFD&pr=&urlid=&yx=&v=MzExMTE0SDlYTXE0OUZiZXNLQlJOS3VoZGhuajk4VG5qcXF4ZEVlTU9VS3JpZlp1TnZGU2puVTduS0lsd1hQeVhSWXJH

"Patent Mining", http://www.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?QueryID=0&CurRec=1&recid=&filename=ZHZL201004001079&dbname=CPFD0911&dbcode=CPFD&pr=&urlid=&yx=&v=MTQ2ODhUbmpxcXhkRWVNT1VLcmlmWnVOdkZTam5VN25LSWwwVFB5WFJZckc0SDlITXE0OUZaZXNJQlJOS3VoZGhuajk4

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