Graduate in Marketing from ESPM- Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (São Paulo) and Law from Universidade Estácio de Sá, in Rio de Janeiro; Industrial Property Agent; Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), International Trademark Association (INTA).
Practices in the areas of trademark registration, patents, software and copyright; franchising; contracts transferring technology and rendering technical services; domain names; unfair competition; protection of trade secrets and rights of image.
Former Intellectual Property teacher at Ibmec-RJ and Estação Business School- Curitiba.
1. Lext Intellectual Property, Partner
LEXT is a company specializing in Intellectual Property, and our core philosophy is to be totally focused on client satisfaction.
Our team consists of high caliber technical professionals with all the requirements to offer clients, from very small enterprises to large multinational companies, a high quality, clear and precise service.
Our professionals constantly update themselves by participating in major organizations dedicated to Intellectual Property in Brazil and around the world, so that they are then equipped to handle all types of problems that can arise.
In addition, we have a modern structure, with the state of the art systems, which ensure security of information and agility in response for the diverse needs of clients and the market place.
Recently Brazil has become an active member in the international system of trade, because Brazilian enterprises have increased their involvement in international markets (internationalization), while at the same time multinational companies have sought out this country as a new investment opportunity.
The upshot of this enhanced participation in trade is an increase in demand for Intellectual Property services by both the Brazilian and multinational companies.
Responding to this, LEXT has emerged as an alternative in the Intellectual Property field for specialist services based on high quality, agility, flexibility, geared to meet client needs in the best possible way.
In addition LEXT operates in partnership with several specialized companies worldwide which also helps in maintaining our high standards of quality.
Contact us! We’ll be very pleased to assist.
2. Mesquita Ribeiro, Tavares & Jucá
3. Advocacia Pietro Ariboni
4. Tavares Intellectual Property
5. Avon Cosmetics