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Cleantech Wave Energy Solution

特許 権利維持 The FFWEC essentially consists of an Inlet and a hollow Flexible Pipe floating on ocean, adapting to wave form, moored facing angularly to the wave direction and connected to turbine-generator. The Inlet ingests precise “slugs” of air and water that get trapped in the crests and troughs of the pipe respectively. Slugs get pushed along with transverse waves, creating flow. Pressure is progressively developed that drives conventional turbine-generators. Several devices could be grouped together to make wave farms, extending across vast wave fronts, each capable of generating Mega Watts of power that could be fed directly to the grid. The system could additionally have “Air-water Separator” at the end of each flexible pipe to separate air and water that would be fed to an “Air –Water Chamber” connected to the Turbines. The Inlets optionally have Hydro-pneumatic system to improve slug ingestion timing and volume. The Flexible Pipe could also have buoyancy enhancing means for preventing “sagging” or sinking of the pipe particularly during start-up. Whereas the other WECs mostly convert heaving motion of waves into mechanical energy / electricity, in contrast the FFWEC exploits wave propagation, employing the concept of “coil pump”/“cascading manometer”. Further, its floating components either have no contacting / moving parts at all or only a few and mostly non-metallic materials are used. The “capture width” of most WECs is limited to the dimension of the device. In comparison, the projection of a flexible pipe facing angularly to the wave direction would be its capture width. Pairs of pipes can be arranged in parallel “V” formation facing the waves. The included angle would depend on the pipe diameter, wave flux, and certain other parameters. Further, for surviving in adverse weather, the Flexible pipe and inlet submerge. The system does not require tuning/resonance matching. Systems/components/ used are non-propriety items, with proven technology. The system can be deployed anywhere in the world with the help of local resources, within a short time. Generator-turbine, being shore based eases O&M issues, leaving only the flexible pipe and Inlets to be maintained off-shore. Similarly, deployment, mooring and recovery of the inlets and pipes would not require specialised equipment.

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