Patient monitoring device
Technology related to polyions
3D technology - gaming, movies etc.
To display all alphabetic character strings within one display unit. The alphabetic character string display device defines a coordinate system which has five coordinate axes a-e each extended b...
Technology for extracting valuable proteins
Heating roller device
Medical device - specific tubes system Patent family with 2 members (JP, US)
Efficient analog digital converter
Bamboo used as materials
Alternative energy - unique and efficient illumination source
Efficient system for organizing tools and desk
Clean tech - Sewage treatment
Alternative energy - superconductor related technology Patent family of 2 members (US, JP)
Alternative energy - thermoelectricity related technology
Alternative energy - capacitor related technology
Min. web 2.0 solution posting sales/product/services solution Patent family with 5 members (1 granted, 4 applications)
Automatic recognition of objects in motion picture frames (Part 2)
Leading lip reading technology
Automatic recognition of objects in motion picture frames
Detecting of suddenly appearing objects and its analysis