HAZ Digital’s expertise runs the complete line from customization, market study, specification design, hardware & software development, system development, and app development, enabling the seamless design of IoT devices.
Sample applications include:
Smart Umbrella – Integrating low-power Bluetooth technology to connect a next-generation umbrella to the owner’s smartphone, providing alerts and last known location if the umbrella is misplaced.
Smart Jewelry – Based on the popularity of wearable fitness tracking devices, smart jewelry provides both a fashion statement and peace of mind with IoT technology.
Anti-Loss Device – Roughly the size of a coin, an anti-loss device can be attached to various objects such as keys or a laptop computer. If any of these items go missing, the user can use the app to ping the device and view the location on a map. If the device leaves the vicinity of the smartphone, the phone can send a reminder alert, as well as show the last known location of the object should the owner continue to move out of range. Other applications can include the monitoring of pets or children.
Social Lost Item Retrieval – The anti-loss capability can also be paired with HAZ Digital’s cloud platform to send a lost object alert to phones with the HAZ app installed. If a person is near the vicinity of the lost object, this information can be transmitted back to the owner, who can ask the person to retrieve the missing object.
HAZ Digital’s expertise runs the complete line from customization, market study, specification design, hardware & software development, system development, and app development, enabling the seamless design of IoT devices.