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This is something that you will not find easily when needed.In Singapore, IP issues do not often go to...
0 3385I was again invited to speak before the New York City chapter of the International Intellectual Proper...
0 2607In order to improve your firm’s marketing, I strongly recommend that you take the Marketing & Sale...
0 2415I am very proud about this. Our firm received an excellence award for 2019. I have checked, the ACQ5...
0 2605The following article started with a Q&A Forum post, here
0 2901I saw this great post by Bastian Best on LinkedIn
0 3205My blog has six (6) Q&A Forums for patent attorney candidates at EPO and IPOS Singapore.You are en...
0 2733Guest post by Richard James.“Boy, they sure didn’t teach me this in law school.” How often do we hear ...
0 2678Guest post by John Russell.Dependent claims are an underutilized tool in the US. Unlike some foreign j...
0 2879Guest post by Jackie Hutter IntroductionAs someone who works with a wide variety of startups and small...
0 2808We often receive requests for registering a line of cosmetic products in Singapore.Here is in a Nutshe...
0 3353Few understand this. The AIA 2013 – which replaced the patenting principle of “first to invent” by the...
0 3688We often receive requests for registering Health Supplements in Singapore.Here is in a nutshell what y...
0 4414Guest post by J.D. Houvener Yes, as many legal answers begin, “it depends”……But, our clients and I alm...
0 3429In very short words: no, you cannot assert trademark rights against innocent freight forwarders in Sin...
0 4171Guest post by Jackie HutterPotential clients frequently ask if they can successfully sell or license t...
0 2955Guest Post by John RizviEntrepreneurs and inventors,Check out this viral video by criminal defense att...
0 2293You have chosen a very difficult task.Advising Startup Companies is one of the most difficult areas in...
0 2281Filing a trademark is easy.At least it looks easy.How is it Done?Most Intellectual Property Offices ha...
0 2220I found the following text somewhere in the Internet. It is said to go back to Cesar Marcus Aurelius w...
0 2177The year of 2018 is almost over and I have published so far 99 articles on LinkedIn.I benefitted a lot...
0 2071This is what I do according to my own annual end-of-the-year checklist:verify and update my contact in...
0 2099Read this if you are driving to work or if you take the public transport.One of the advantages that we...
0 2106We all know this problem: an invention disclosure contains a gray-scale computer image. We need to con...
0 2446Do you do prior art searches only every now and then? And if you do a prior art search, it must be goo...
0 2542I cannot state often enough how annoying this end-of-times deadline of 25 May 2018 is for me.Public an...
0 2287Here is my promised TED video for this month. It has 4.1 million views.It is a must see for any forens...
0 2130The following applies to you if you are an IP law firm in the EU or an IP law firm outside of the EU t...
0 2648An automatic translation of the following article into English language is available here http://bit.l...
0 2391I was invited to speak before the New York City chapter of the International Intellectual Property Soc...
0 2162So you have obviously survived the GDPR doomsday last month.If you followed my simple checklist here, ...
0 2238I don't know whether you like it when you get a new computer.I don't like it when I get a new computer...
0 2110Here is how you jump the curve, saving time and money.I had a dream.I had secretly cancelled all subsc...
0 2482This podcast was done on 26 July 2018 with Adam Philipp, the founder of AEON Law, an IP law firm in Se...
0 2365Mr. Benjamin Echterhoff has given a Webinar in our firm, about trademark non-infringements in Amazon p...
0 2570A reply to\\'s article which is promoting the US Patent Act of 1790 for today's life.Th...
0 2377No, Network Marketing is NOT the same as Multilevel Marketing.Network Marketing is often also dubbed a...
0 2351It has happened to me.My iPhone went MissingI thought that I have lost my iPhone. At least I could not...
0 2175Credit card security is paramount for me.Currently, every other month I am experiencing an attempt of ...
0 2320A friend of mine (who wants to stay anonymous) runs the Asian subsidiary of a large credit card compan...
0 2307Don´t roll your eyes at the following tip.If I profit from it, you may also profit from it.Why Punctua...
0 2468Long gone the times when the first thing to do after coming home was to switch on the TV set for watch...
0 2303That may sound trivial, but it is not. Being born and raised up in Europe myself, I can tell you that ...
0 2503This happens often when asserting IP against online infringers.Before we send out a cease-and-desist l...
0 2121Here is a phone interview with Craige Thompson from Austin, Texas.Craige is a Patent Attorney since th...
0 2553Use this tool to tremendously save time when you are looking for something that you have recently seen...
0 2211I use this program often for creating Facebook and LinkedIn memes for online marketing of my events. S...
0 2262Everybody knows that Brexit - the departure of the UK from the EU - will happen on 29 March 2019, whic...
0 2298That may sound trivial, but it is not. As a person whom is born and raised up in Europe, I can tell yo...
0 2686Strategic input about what to do now and in the future in order to not lose competitive advantages is ...
0 3013Copyright infringement, on a large scale, happens in the public right under our noses, in the full lig...
0 2953I receive this question umpteen times every year. I have written about this issue in here.Are patents ...
0 2824Every businesses have trade secrets and protecting them is in their interest. However, at the same ti...
0 4757If you are an Intellectual Property (IP) lawyer, then you can click away. This article is meant for la...
0 3143This new rule is essential to read for those who work with US trademarks. It has just been highlighted...
0 2870Here we want to highlight the importance of the so called “grace period”, which is provided for in som...
0 3429This post is intended to highlight an interesting aspect or feature of Intellectual Property law to th...
0 4233IntroductionEven though owners of intellectual property (IP) rights have exclusive rights of exploitat...
0 3380Enforcement of copyrights against retailers as well as end-users will soon be demised, in my opinion.I...
0 3420It is rather seldom for medium-sized German, Austrian or Swiss companies to succeed in Asia. Our artic...
0 3288For many times, our Singapore firm keeps encountering the same situation of the local branch director ...
0 3404Yesterday, the European Court of Justice (CJEU or ECJ) gave judgment in McFadden (C-484-14) in regards...
0 3573If you work with software patents, you surely have encountered issues pertaining to absolute patentabi...
0 3356Here is an interview (36 minutes) with Alan Greenspan of June 2016. There are two interviews, one of 2...
0 3368Will you attend INTA?Yes? Then, I can very likely predict how INTA will be for you.You will sacrifice ...
0 3179Filing a trademark is easy. It might look easy to you, at least.How is it Done?With the Invention of t...
0 3353I have written about the negative outlook for Copyright protection of written works (click here, if no...
0 3387The following blasphemy is intended for my IP lawyer colleagues only. They can take an opinion.THESISC...
0 3750Need advice or services? Send inquiry
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