We are a Japanese company planning to expand our export business to a partner in Brazil. Is there a way to gain patent protection for software which we deliver to operate our technology?
回答: 1 公開 & 0 非公開
Dear Sirs,
My name is Mauricio Tavares, and I am a partner of Lext, and intellectual property firm in Brazil.
We have a special law for the protection of softwares. it is considered a type of author rights, but, with special rules.
So, it is not a patent protection, but a software protection. It can be considered a patent protection in case that it is incorporated to a machine, for example, but, if is a common software, it can be protected following this special law.
If you need any other information, please feel free to contact me at mauricio.tavares@lext.com.br
All the best.
Mauricio de Souza Tavares
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