wearables production and IP protection


Silicon Valley shows a trend towards wearables. We (startup) also want to join that market.

We are currently looking for a good production chain location. China, Vietnam, Cambodia - which location is favorable? Please share your experiences!

Also, one of the most frequently asked questions we get from Angels is how we protect our idea and design. Production in the US or in Europe is still 4 to 7 times as costly, so other countries still seem to be the way to go.

We appreciate excellent advice!

回答: 1 公開 & 2 非公開

Shawn kolitch

Regardless of where you produce your product, you should try to obtain (or at least preserve) your patent rights in all countries where the product might be sold. The reason is that if, for example, you manufacture in China and obtain only a Chinese patent, this would in principle allow you to prevent others from making or selling the product in China, but would not prevent others from making it elsewhere and importing into the U.S. or other countries. The only way to stop sales of a product in a particular country is to have patent rights in that country.


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