Summary without author permission on website for commercial gai.


German & EU IP lawyer & member given fair usage principles, and Germany's IPR laws, how is managing without publishers permission down its neck? Brief about company blinkist and other companies are providing book summary to its user on paid subscriptions . So user based on book summary of 7-10 pages decide to buy book or not and who don't have time to read books they solve their purpose but majority of them like & running simiar model. I want to understand the book summary is also based on someone else work , although summary its written by company staff /employee as original work/ own words , and using as defense but does it really a defense , summary is adaptation- what about defense in fair dealing ?

回答: 1 公開 & 0 非公開


The summary constitutes original creative work and shall be considered as literary work. Once the work has been expressed in a tangible form, the work is protected by copyright law. The copyright holder may be the employer of the author rather than the author himself, if the work is a work for hire.


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