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  • Do people really steal invention ideas?
    I sometimes see questions on forums like Quora about how to stop people stealing your invention idea. Does this happen so often in professional exp...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 5510 いいね: 2 香港
  • Is interpretation of known historical facts protectable under copyright law?
    著作権 I am looking for useful sources on protecting copyright. I am in the process of writing a book based on my own new and independent interpretation o...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 6284 いいね: 2 イギリス
  • Fair Use and news feeds
    著作権 What is the current wisdom on compiling news feeds on a third party website so far as copyright is concerned? If the source is clearly cited, is th...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 4070 いいね: 0 香港
  • Seed funding document preparation
    資金調達 Can anyone give an idea which are the most important documents for a company in case they decide to raise seed funding? Do the investing companies ...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 3384 いいね: 0 香港
  • P2P Currency Exchange Platform requires AML compliance?
    金融サービス I am looking to create a peer to peer currency exchange service that can be accessed through your phone. Think of it like the "Uber for Currency Ex...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1546 いいね: 3 アメリカ合衆国
  • How to protect my plot / character ideas?
    著作権 I have another question about copyright. When submitting scripts or storylines to agents and media companies, is there any recourse against having...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1813 いいね: 1 イギリス
  • Any issues basing fictional character on a real person?
    著作権 I am in the process of writing my first TV sit-com script. The main character is based on a person I know. Does anyone know if this could be a prob...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1764 いいね: 1 イギリス
  • How should we protect confidential information before funding round?
    ビジネスストラテジー We have been building a solid base of customers for our online service over the past 5 months and want to start a funding round. Right now we would...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 2030 いいね: 3 アメリカ合衆国
  • Do I need to incorporate in the US to offer SaaS?
    ビジネスストラテジー Our company is based in Brazil and offers SaaS products with an API licensing revenue model. We want to enter the US market: Do we need to create a...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1733 いいね: 3 アメリカ合衆国
  • How to legally bind users to T&C without registration?
    契約 I'm running a flash based gaming website. There are some services on the website accessible to users without a registration. How can I legally bind...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1726 いいね: 4 アメリカ合衆国