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  • What to do if OHIM application is rejected
    商標 I have submitted a trademark application to OHIM and I'm waiting for the results. What potential response could I get besides an approval/registrat...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 2079 いいね: 8 スペイン
  • Should a software startup apply for global trademark protection?
    商標 We are a SaaS fintech startup based in California. We are told that an early protection of our trademarks is important, but does that mean only the...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 4224 いいね: 23 アメリカ合衆国
  • Establishing a subsidiary in the EU
    ビジネスフォーメーション Good evening We are interested in setting up a development/liaison office of our company in Europe and we need legal and business advice. Fo...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1876 いいね: 0
  • European Trademark
    商標 Hello! How much does it generally cost to register your TM in Europe? Can the prosecution be handled from the US or is it necessary to get an IP pr...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 2064 いいね: 4 アメリカ合衆国
  • Startup Trademark Registration: Which Jurisdictions?
    商標 We are a young startup company in the area of 3D Printing based in Germany, with additional locations in Switzerland and Japan. Although most of ou...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 2130 いいね: 3 ドイツ