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  • product liability from 3D-printed objects
    訴訟 Hi there! Thanks a lot for the great responses to our previous questions. We are a startup from Boston. Our main product (in development) is a ...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1447 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • patent search required
    特許 Hello! Thank you very much for your kind advice in previous questions. We would like to initiate a patent search to determine if our product in ...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 1377 いいね: 0
  • First to market instead of Patent application
    特許 Hi there! I have invented a new product, but do not want to invest in a patent application. By bringing it to the market, can I prevent others f...
    回答: 5 閲覧: 1637 いいね: 4 アメリカ合衆国
  • Protection of IP during fundraising
    侵害 It seems to be common knowledge that VCs will not sign an NDA, and a startup appears amateurish if they ask for it. Is there any other way we can p...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 1552 いいね: 3
  • How to determine reasonable royalty rates
    ビジネスストラテジー Good evening Thank you very much for your previous advice. I would like to ask about license royalty rates. In the course of our considerations ...
    回答: 3 閲覧: 1848 いいね: 4
  • effects of single jurisdiction TM in EU
    商標 Hello everybody, thank you for your kind attention. If we register a trademark in only one jurisdiction within the EU, does this have any effect...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1587 いいね: 2 イギリス
  • How to turn viral app into longterm success
    ビジネスストラテジー If you have successfully launched a gaming app that goes viral, what is the best way to generate sustainable revenue from that app?
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1655 いいね: 0
  • Are NDAs useful?
    侵害 NDAs seem to be ubiquitous In the startup world (and I guess it is the same in any IT/High Tech Business environment). I have heard that they are n...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1697 いいね: 1
  • word mark/character mark or figurative mark?
    商標 In Trademark registration, is it always best to register a Word Mark, or does a Figurative Mark have advanteges? What about a compination of the tw...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 2868 いいね: 2
  • Immigration problem for startup co-founders
    移民・ビザ I have received an offer to be a co-founder and CTO of a great startup based in Massachusetts, USA . Since I am an Indian citizen, I would like to ...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1445 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国