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  • Should our startup accept Bitcoin payments?
    金融サービス We are sometimes asked if we are planning to allow bitcoin payments. What are the Pros and Cons here? Are there any legal issues we should consider?
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1627 いいね: 1 アメリカ合衆国
  • 3D Printing piracy issues
    侵害 As a provider of 3D Printing & Scanning software, what are the IP piracy issues we could face? Do they change if we decide to offer actual 3D Print...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1452 いいね: 1
  • trademark application in Brazil
    商標 Hello! I'd like to know what a trademark registration in Brazil usually costs. How about legal fees?
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1417 いいね: 0 ブラジル
  • Japanese Software Patent
    特許 Hi! Thank you for your great replies to my previous question! We are a startup company based in Taiwan. Our core business is the development of ...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 1684 いいね: 0 日本
  • Trademark Research Software
    商標 Hi! We are considering expanding the coverage of our trademark. Is there any software that can help us with trademark research in other jurisdictio...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1499 いいね: 0
  • Venturing or licensing an app
    資金調達 Hello! I have developed an app prototype that facilitates an LTE/WiFi interface between smartphones and smartwatches. I would like to bring the ...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1499 いいね: 0
  • German company – which type for foreign investors
    ビジネスフォーメーション Good afternoon! I would like to ask another question, thank you for your interest! We are a startup still in the phase of developing our core p...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1344 いいね: 0 ドイツ
  • Outsourcing software development
    ビジネスストラテジー Good afternoon! For our startup, we would like to hire external IT professionals to take care of some of the coding and testing workload. We were ...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1570 いいね: 0 ドイツ
  • Open Source and proprietary products: how to secure our IP
    著作権 In case our product includes code from open source software, does that restrict us in protecting our IP? The OSS licenses in question are BSD and G...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 1456 いいね: 0 イギリス
  • Incentives to hire the best people on a startup budget
    雇用 Hi there! We need to grow our team with software developers and other professionals. However, as a startup, our finances are limited. How can we ma...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1539 いいね: 0