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  • What happens to my IP rights when a startup is founded to commercialize it?
    特許 If you are given, say, 10% equity in the IP of an invention, and suppose it gets patented and is the basis for a new company, do you own 10% of tha...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 2531 いいね: 6 アメリカ合衆国
  • Should we think about exit clauses in our founders agreement?
    契約 Should we include exit provisions into our founders agreement? Or does it matter at all because agreements we sign with investors during financing ...
    回答: 2 閲覧: 2288 いいね: 6 アメリカ合衆国
  • What kind of deal do law firms offer to startup founders?
    ビジネスストラテジー What kind of deal do startup lawyers usually offer to founders for legal advice? I know a couple of entrepreneurs who got quoted high fees for lega...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1752 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • Implementing published algorithms in a payed app
    侵害 If I find an interesting algorithm in a machine learning journal, can I go ahead and apply it to a particular domain and sell the resulting app? ...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 1681 いいね: 0 アメリカ合衆国
  • How can we protect our information contacting an investor?
    侵害 Hello, we want to send pitch documents including a business plan, some financial information and some technological clarifications regarding our pr...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1836 いいね: 2 アメリカ合衆国
  • How should we design the pricing model for our SDK product?
    ビジネスストラテジー We have an SDK product that will soon be ready to go to market. It is a relativly niche product that allows developers to add a geospatial or mappi...
    回答: 0 閲覧: 2109 いいね: 0 カナダ
  • Legal steps necessary before financing round?
    資金調達 I am one of three co-founders in a software startup. We are developing smart CAD applications for large-scale engineering. We have been working on ...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1934 いいね: 3 イギリス
  • How exactly do we register a trademark?
    商標 We are a small software startup based in Portland. Before we launch our product, we want to register the product name as a trademark. Is there an e...
    回答: 4 閲覧: 2039 いいね: 10 アメリカ合衆国
  • Who is authorized to sign an NDA?
    契約 We sent an NDA to a party and it was returned signed by their sales agent who we had been talking to. Should we insist on it being signed by a some...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 2073 いいね: 1 アメリカ合衆国
  • NDA for hiring contractors
    契約 We want to expand our team and hire a team of developers as contractors. We would like to protect our IP and other company information. For an NDA,...
    回答: 1 閲覧: 1940 いいね: 2 アメリカ合衆国