Lawrence lau

Lawrence Lau

IP Broker and specialist in IT/IP/ID law, commercialising innovation, technology evaluation, and value engineering

12 経験

0 推薦

0 記事投稿

  • Oct 24, 2014

    IP Nexus登録日

  • Sydney+Singapore+Shanghai, オーストラリア


  • Chinese (Simplified), English


  • 事業分野

  • 専門分野


$ 165 Rack rate ($AUD/hr) for technology evaluation, licensing in-out, paralegal level drafting

$ 2.75 Brokerage (%) for sourcing, monitoring (x2) or actively negotiating (x3) an IP transaction

$ 1100 Project fee (AUD per day) including IP valuation, techno-economic analysis or event-cascades (POA)

$ 11000 Investment thesis including assumption, technology trajectories, addressable market, technoeconomics


I am an experienced intangibles broker specializing in IT/IP/ID law, providing professional services in commercialising innovation, technology evaluation, and value engineering. Located in the Asia time-zone, I cover Syndey-Singapore-Shanghai and am available for relocation on short-term projects.


Gemwise Invests, Intellectual Property Broker

I craft investment theses and seek to acquire/divest intangibles to bring them to cashflow positive. Specific projects (contact if interested in details) that I am assembling angel syndicates for:
- IPX-nano
- capital leasing of metasystem processing modules
- enhanced reality (speculative)

In addition, I will be devoting some time to fostering a community of IP professionals engaged in low-carbon technologies and financial experts in Climate Stability Bonds (variation of SPB - see

L&A Lau Partnership, Freelance Investment Scout

People: Technopreneur coaching, debt-based structuring of Intangible property
Tech : Independent assessment of investment opportunities in technology sectors
System: Automation of legal entities including licensing trust, IP holding companies.

Worked on project basis for clients, major outcomes:
- helped early stage company grow to be Series A funded ($7+M)
- litigation to trace and recover assets ($1.2M ongoing)
- independent director of an ICT co-operative (community service)

Axis Health, Principal Evaluator

Most IT investment in the primary health care has benefited administrators and managers. Investment thesis was to identify devices/practices that were more friendly to medical practitioners and commercialise them via licensing to HK manufacturers.

University of Queensland, Senior Research Officer

Coordinator for a consortium of universities in a Federal government high performance computing initiative.

ACMC, System Administrator

Administered and maintained a network of SGI graphics workstations, providing a production platform for 3D scientific visualisation.


ECIC , Marketing Technological Innovation
IP Academy - NUS , Biotechnology Law
University of Amsterdam Certificate in International Copyright Law, Institute for Information Law
University of New South Wales GradDipLegalStudies, IT/IP law
The University of Queensland DipAppLaw, Legal foundations
University of Auckland BSc, computer science


ADVISE - Agricultural Developmental Visualisation Interactive Software Environment(
CONPAR 94 - VAPP VI, Third Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing
September 6, 1994
We present here a package, ADVISE, which acts as a communication interface between the client, typically a graphics device, and the server, a computing resource such as a vector supercomputer, a parallel computer or some network of machines.
2 authors
Lawrence Lau (博士)
IP Broker at Gemwise Invests
Michael Rezny
Model Framework Developer at UK Met Office

Drought Monitoring through Parallel Computing
Downscaling Regional Climate Models for risk management of Australian arid croplands with the Queensland Department of Natural Resources. This work was awarded the Federal Government Technology Gold Productivity Award in 1994.
Parallel Run Length Encoding Compression: Reducing I/o in dynamic Environmental Simulations

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