A great solution. 4 winters have been tested and the prototype works great. New for snowmobiles/snow vehicles.) The patent fixes the biggest durability problems of snowmobiles. Also a license optio...
The product described here is a universal household broom handle (valid for all household brooms) with which you can leave the broom upright without the need for support against walls or different ...
An athletic garment can protect a user from inclement weather conditions (e.g. wind, moisture, cold, etc.). The athletic garment includes an outer layer forming an article of wearing apparel (e.g.,...
An intelligent wireless water measurement device for installation in showers and other 'areas of use' to measure and create awareness about water volume and cost. It also measures water temperature...
An automated, no-touch spray device that sprays a fixed dose of drug or other substance around the hand (or foot) of an arthritis sufferer (or other disease affecting joints). Device can prevent e...
Function: The Fixxet Temporary Car Window Repair Kit is designed to provide an immediate and safe solution when a side or rear window of a vehicle is broken. Its primary function is to temporarily ...
This innovative concept not only redefines traditional methods of crafting and enjoying sausages but also holds the potential to revolutionize the culinary landscape. The patent for the endless...
Portable disinfection device that sanitizes a surface by direct exposure to UV-C rays that also produce ozone, a gas with disinfectant, insecticide and deodorising properties. The portable system p...
The present invention in general relates to a pharmaceutical composition possessing a therapeutic use. More, particularly, the present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition comprising i...
An automated decision support computer system based on data informatics, that incorporates the required resources to maintain a patient stable during transport from a facility during a disaster. Th...
For your reference, I have included a brief summary of the technical details of my patented technology: Tensile strength of 225 Mpa The operating temperature is beyond 1500 degrees Celsius On te...
Diferansiyel ve tribün ile oluşturulmuş tork dönüştürücü ve frenleme sistemi. (Torque converter and braking system created with differential and grandstand.) (The Difference: It has twice the pe...
These two patents introduce a groundbreaking innovation in consumer display technology by merging mobile phones and tablets into a unified, larger display. The first patent describes a combination ...
The disclosure describes an antimicrobial protection device using antibacterial and virucidal electromagnetic energy to provide protection. Electromagnetic energy may be supplied by light source(s)...
Hello, I am interested in selling my patent, which describes and outlines a mobile app called P.L.E.A.D. (Portable Legal Eye Advocating for Drivers), a software system working in conjunction and pa...
The patented portfolio presents a paradigm shift in Wi-Fi security by introducing blockchain-based smart contracts to replace traditional passwords in wireless networks. This innovative approach el...
Invention - A computer-implemented method for providing healthcare services to a patient in an Internet of Things (IoT) environment is provided herein. The method initiates with receiving, at a con...
Ecodéneige represents a major technological breakthrough, responding in an economical and ecological way to the problem of snow accumulation for airports and logistics zones (port terminals, railwa...
The invention provides a method to avoid the necessity of disinfection of the dialysis machine hydraulics between treatments. Machine with online fluid preparation would require this as the port th...
- Only semi-digital Gaming controller in the market - Only Gaming controller ion the market that is fully integrated with your smartphone - Only Gaming controller with a new directed haptic syste...