National trademark & OHIM registration procedure


If I have a trademark registered in Germany (or other EU jurisdiction), does this assist my OHIM trademark application in any way? For example, is the registration fee at OHIM reduced, or is the registration procedure sped up?

Thank you very much in advance!

Answers: 2 public & 0 private

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The only effect a prior national TM registration can have on a CTM application is that you can use it to claim priority (during the 6 months period) or seniority. It will not help the process per se. regards.

Matthias berger   ausschnitt

Picking up on the so called "seniority": If you own a national trademark registration, or an International Registration that has effect in one or more EU Member States, you may claim their seniority (the application date) within the Community trademark. When your national mark / International Registration lapses since it is not renewed, it practically lives on as part of the Community trademark. This can save you considerable renewal fees for national marks.

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