Can a certain method of data visualization on a website be protected as IP?


Hello everybody

I would like to ask: If a website displays data in a certain, possibly unique way -- can this be protected by IP? For instance, can it be protected as a Industrial Design or a Trademark?

Best regards,

Answers: 2 public & 0 private

Ashutosh choudhary
IP Consultant

Andrew, you are little late as after Alice decision in US, Its very tough to get these kind of patent in US. ID and Trademark wont work here so if you are doing this by any software code, you can try for patent or go for copyright.

Patent Attorney

Your chances are generally better if the computer is needed in order to present the data. For example, DNA sequences are hard to display but association graphs are very useful. Software that creates these graphs by processing a lot of data and then displays them is, in my mind. patentable. Displaying special offers in a circle is probably not.

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