Is it posible to repost news or blog post word for word in another media?


Hello. We are creating a webpage that wants to recopilate and repost information from other sources mainly blogs thus concentrating information on one specific topic. We would like to know if it is possible to copy exactly word for word the blog post from third parties, if we, of course, recongnize the name of the autor and the source in each repost. We have seen that some news agencies and media recopilate this information an recognize the author AND the source where this was first posted (it would seem that they copy exactly the same post but we are not sure). This is possible without asking the author permission first (always acknoweledging their work)?

Thank you!

Answers: 1 public & 0 private

Lawrence lau
IP Broker

After the initial internet wrangles, the general rule of thumb is that links are permissible (excepting deep links which are autogenerated pages with ads) but outright copying is frowned upon. The specifics depend on the policy of the website you wish to cage from ... however if you are referring to news agencies, then if you are not quoting a direct source, you are looking for syndication rights ... keep in mind that copyright relies on a legal definition of WORK ... as analogy the Martin Luther King speech was considered a performance and whilst not registered, there was still common law copyright (though proscribed by fair use/dealings). My suggestion if you're really worried is to consult an IP lawyer to get a written legal opinion whether your usage falls into those exceptions. But note that recompilation (ie data collection a la google) on metadata falls into a different category (collective works) and my experience is that this set of laws is inconsistent across multiple jurisdictions.

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