How much will an average seed round cost in legal fees?


Is it true that it can cost almost 40% of the raised amount? I'm referring to:

We are not so much interested in rasing the funds via crowdfunding, but how much does a seed round usually cost a startup in legal and compliance fees?

Answers: 1 public & 0 private


I wouldn't care to speculate on what it might cost to crowdfund a certain amount of money given whatever SEC rules are applicable. But assuming you're raising seed money in the US for a US entity, e.g. a Delaware corporation, there's really not any good excuse for legal fees to exceed $10,000. And if it was me, I would be trying to push the legal fees down much lower than that. These days, forms of early stage financing documents are generally available (see e.g.,, or on the web, and the major deal points of these documents are widely agreed upon. So there shouldn't be that much to negotiate. And I can assure you your prospective investors don't want you spending a lot of money on legal fees.

If you haven't set up a legal entity yet, or a bank account for the legal entity, there will be some fees incurred here. But no more than a few hundred dollars.

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