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I would like to discuss certain technology and market items with business partners or advisors without having to be afraid of anyone stealing any v...
Answers: 1
Views: 4567
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United States
I know this is a very general questions, but I cannot find any information on what it takes to get patent protection on a global level, only nation...
Answers: 1
Views: 1334
Likes: 8
As further context, the company is still selling its product for which this patent applies to, against this competitor, and their products.
Answers: 1
Views: 1142
Likes: 3
If someone has applied for a patent for a certain technology in another country, without the patent being granted yet, does that mean I can still a...
Answers: 1
Views: 953
Likes: 1
United States
How far does the protection reach and what would be protected besides the logo itself, such as a the company name or slogan text?
Answers: 1
Views: 1565
Likes: 11
United States
If a patent lapses due to non-payment, could someone else just apply for the same technology? What would be a strategic reason to let a patent expi...
Answers: 1
Views: 3199
Likes: 14
United States
Is this something that Apple could prevent, or would have to sign off on? Is only the smart watch tech itself be patented, or also design elements ...
Answers: 1
Views: 1153
Likes: 1
United States
I have filed for a U.S. patent for a new kind of data processing method in 2014. The patent has just been issued. If I want to patent further impro...
Answers: 1
Views: 1040
Likes: 5
United States