Ocean Waves Energy Converter / WavePower Generator / WEC
Mechanical Engineering Green energy
United states of America
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Ocean Waves Energy Converter / WavePower Generator / WEC

Patent Granted An innovative technology to produce electricity from ocean wave energy. This unique device is the first to use the whole elliptic way of movement of the waves, and by that takes the full advantage of the wave energy in order to produce electricity. As a result, this device has higher profitability than other existing devices producing electricity from wave's power. WavePower devices should be installed at high waves areas abroad and be connected to each local grid to supply electricity in order to receive governmental grants. An overview of the device's operation: The float is connected to two generators that are attached to the beams along the vertical and horizontal axes creating a sliding motion between them. Energy is generated when the waves interact with the float and these generators. This new and innovative design of wave powered technology provides a more efficient power and is the heart of the business proposition of this invention. Initial calculations of the device's operation show capability to harness up to 25% of the waves' energy, twice and even more than other wave-power devices. Estimated Levelized-Cost-Of-Energy (LCOE) should be less than $20/MWh

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