Hello everybody,
I'd like to ask about IP protection regarding software. We are developing a software product which may include code from other developers, who licensed their software under open source licenses. Are there any legal risks involved? Can we avoid any complaints by simply not publishing our code as open source?
回答: 2 public & 0 非公開
You need to check the terms under which the OSS you're developing upon has been made available. Although it is freely available, there may be restrictions on use for commercial purposes which will be problematic for you if you are making a product to sell. I think you should tackle the first issue before you figure out what you want to do yourselves with regards to publication of the code i.e. check that you are not violating the licence terms to begin with.
I've noticed that companies like Palamida are advertising free webinars for start-ups about IP and the use of OSS. It may be worth looking into the resources they provide to educate yourself further on the issue.
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