Hello! We are a startup in the healthcare sector in Great Britain. We would like to expand our business and key partnerships in China. We would like to know what the process for registering our Trademark there would look like and how much it would cost. Is it true that it is very difficult to achieve comprehensive Trademark protection in China?
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Assuming that you will be registering for a service mark, the first step would be to find a law firm that will register the mark for you in China. To get the most complete coverage, you should insure that your mark in registered in all the sub classes that the class may have. This will minimize the registration by another in a different sub class.
The costs can vary greatly depending on the type of firm you use. A local firm will be the cheapest, an international will be expensive. If you registration includes a product, you should also register the mark with China Customs. The process can take from 12-36 months depending on the uniqueness of the mark. If you work with local partners (e.g. licensees), insure they register the license with their local AIC office.
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