We are creating intelligent car safety technology and would like to grow our start-up, which so far comprises just our small team of co-founders, based in Switzerland.
We would like to grow or team significantly and are wondering how exactly to attract the best talent. In the US, I know that equity packages are very common as part of remuneration. How exactly can this be done in Switzerland, and which legal form should we incorporate in to launch our company? Is an AG the only option?
回答: 1 public & 0 非公開
I would particularly like to answer the first part of your question regarding remuneration.
Firstly, it will be important for you to know that Switzerland like few other European Countries has some provisions on employee inventions. You should particularly look into Art 332 of the Swiss Civil Code. This Art 332 of the Swiss Civil Code will give you a guidance regarding how an employer has to get the invention from the employee. No specific inventor remuneration law exists, however, you could have a look at the Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz (German Law on Employee Inventions) for guidance. This particular act provides actual amount of money that the inventor should be paid at various stages.
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