When in the early phase of a startup venture all efforts of a small team of co-founders go into MVP development, marketing/metrics and fundraising, how can a sustainable and long-term efficient IP strategy be established from the beginning? In a tech venture, putting IP issues off is probably not a good idea, or is it sometimes necessary?
回答: 2 public & 0 非公開
If you really want to protect your IP, one way would be to file one or more provisional patent applications - the government fee is very reasonable, but try to ensure that your disclosure is as complete, accurate, and thorough as possible in view of the fact that your provisional application will serve as a basis for your later-filed non-provisional or PCT application, and for you to obtain the filing date priority of your provisional application, everything of importance that you want to protect by means of your non-provisional or PCT application must be present within the provisional application - if it is not, then you do not get the earlier priority filing date of the provisional application but only the actual date that you filed your non-provisional or PCT application.
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