We would like to choose a strong name for our product which communicates the idea and impression we want our customers to have. However, we have noticed that with quite a few choices there are other startups or larger companies out there that have similar-sounding brands. In order to gain trademark protection, we want to make sure that whichever brand we adopt will not be too close to anybody else's brand. What is the best way to conduct a search for similar trademarks based on a preliminary brand?
回答: 2 public & 2 非公開
First of all, you should perform a simple google search. Then, you may search for trademark applications and registrations on the WIPO global database http://www.wipo.int/branddb/en/index.jsp, but you should be aware that it does not include all the countries. But this is only for a first check. You should then ask a trademark practitioner for a professional search.
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