Say I plan to iterate through several different minimal viable product sites over one year. For budget reasons, I want to avoid registering trademarks for each project. Is it really necessary in this day and age?
As for logos, I have definite proof of my first use of each logo, for which I have the server logs. Shouldn't this be sufficient evidence for any lawsuits? Also, if I own the domain of a certain name, doesn't that give me a pretty good case for using that name anyway?
回答: 5 public & 0 非公開
Its most-likely not necessary to file a trademark application if you suspect that the product name will change. Trademarks are not expensive but you need to register in each Country. If the name is important then you should trademark. If the product has global potential then file in all the key markets including China and there are tricks such as Chinese translation or phonetic translation that any competent trademark attorney will recommend.
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