Say I plan to iterate through several different minimal viable product sites over one year. For budget reasons, I want to avoid registering trademarks for each project. Is it really necessary in this day and age?
As for logos, I have definite proof of my first use of each logo, for which I have the server logs. Shouldn't this be sufficient evidence for any lawsuits? Also, if I own the domain of a certain name, doesn't that give me a pretty good case for using that name anyway?
回答: 5 public & 0 非公開
Check out the cartoon we published on this topic: http://trademarkfactory.ca/cartoon/should_i_register_my_trademarks
What matters is not whether you are a startup or a tech startup, what matters is how important do you think the brand may be to your possible future success.
This is not a trick question to show you how wonderful trademarks are. This is an honest question you should ask yourself every time you are considering trademarking something. You don't get a trademark for the sake of getting a trademark. You get a trademark to minimize a risk of being forced to rebrand; to minimize the cost of going after someone who may be infringing on your brand; and to maximize the value of your business if you decide to sell or franchise it. If none of these concerns are important to you, don't bother with trademarks. If at least one is important to you, register your trademark.
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