As an example, could I use something like youtubehacks.com, appletutor.com or facebooknet.com? For a company that develop products specifically geared towards users of some major platforms it would be useful to have a domain name that sounds accordingly, but what do you have to keep in mind in order to avoid lawsuits?
回答: 3 public & 1 非公開
well known trademarks are protected under natural law, the same principle is inculcated under the Paris convention and TRIPS agreement for ensuring the greater protection through out the national and international legislations. use of any deceptive or identical or similar mark shall attract the infringement of well known or famous mark.
there are many strategical ways to avoid the law suits in different jurisdictions , the remedies and solutions are always varies subject to the domestic laws... i shall be available for any strategic and legal assistance throughout GCC countries and India.
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