Legally speaking, can a website get into trouble regarding its Terms of Service/Privacy Policy etc. when users are only required to click an "I accept" button upon submission of their e-mail address? Based in the UK, would we be subject to other countries' laws on this matter?
回答: 2 public & 1 非公開
In many jurisdictions, to obtain consent for any e-contract and/or Privacy Policy it is necessary that the documents are shown to the user (or at least accessible via hyperlinks) prior to clicking on the "I accept" button. As Lawrence said, there are some provisions that could be problematic, for example if the e-mail address is obtained for commercial or advertising purposes (SPAM).
Regarding Data Protection, in some cases is necessary to obtain a prior written consent when sensible data is collected.
Nonetheless you are established in the UK, if your website is available for people located in other countries you should comply with the laws of such country.
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