We have been developing software for multiple platforms with a focus on financial and consulting services. Recently, we have invested considerable time and effort into the development of innovative financial technology that will be integrated into a new product release. Considering the time and money that a patent application could take, we are wondering if it might be worth it nevertheless, given that it could be difficult to maintain a competitive edge with the product otherwise. However, it seems like there is considerable uncertainty regarding the patenting of software and/or financial inventions. How can we figure out if we could end up spending a lot of money on a declined application?
回答: 3 public & 0 非公開
Agreed with previous two posters. One additional comment is that if your patentable invention is nearly impossible to detect (say if someone offered a similar product), then you may be better off with keeping it all a trade secret. Remember, if you do file a patent, you must disclose everything needed by one of average skill in the art to make the invention and that's something that is not right for everyone.
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