We are small team based in Europe and would like to register a trademark for our business in the U.S. What is the procedure to do this?
I also would like to know: I have read this on the internet:
"help yourself to the unregistered trademark symbol (™), which costs nothing and puts a stake in the ground regarding your intentions."
Is this really true and would it be useful to use this symbol until we have the trademark?
回答: 3 public & 1 非公開
The use of the TM symbol is the initial step in securing TM protection - it effectively tells the world that you are currently using the mark as a TM and that you are pursuing TM registration which you should pursue by filing a TM application. The application will be approved for registration or rejected depending upon several factors, such as, for example, another party may already have a registration for the same or similar mark for the same or similar goods, or your mark may be considered descriptive, or suggestive. You should consult a TM professional in order to pursue your TM rights.
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