Good afternoon everybody
I would like to know what exactly a "freedom-to-operate" analysis entails and if it necessary for any innovation-based start-up. How much does such an analysis usually cost as a service? Would I have to hire a patent agent or other professionals?
Connor Trenton
回答: 4 public & 3 非公開
Freedom-to-operate analysis is to prove that a proposed product or invention does not violate any active patents - mainly claims N, because no matter how well a patent specification may describe your product it is irrelevant if the patent does not accurately claim your product.
It is very important in-case of the innovation based start-up because, freedom-to-operate analysis also provides you a warning of the potential infringement as well it makes sure that you a plan a work around solution if you see any patent which is threat to your product and it also provokes you to invent or better solution for the same problem.
When it comes to cost as a service depends on the industry and the product and features involved in it and last but not the least Jurisdiction of launch of the product.
For doing this work you can hire a Patent Search Specialist for the analysis part and from the analysis if you know a potential patent hindering your product launch then hire a Patent attorney for his/ her legal advice.
Goutham Killi
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