I have created a software that uses Google's search engine as an integral part of its value proposition. The software has very good commercial potential and tested well with first testers.
The problem is that my usage of the search engine might violate Google's terms of service. My plan is to develop the software further and market it. I believe that when the product gains big enough traction that Google will recognize its value potential and cooperation/acquisition might be an option. From a legal risk point of view, is this a viable business model?
回答: 2 public & 0 非公開
I would be careful not to violate Google's terms of service. I would also try to obtain patent or CR protection for your software. You can then effectively approach Google from a position of strength whereby if they in fact want to use your software, they will have to pay you for it. Alternatively, you can cross-license each other - you get to make, use, and sell your software without violating Google's terms of service, and Google gets to use your software without infringing your patent or CR.
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