Overhaul for Your Webpage Needed. Or Not? Here are two FREE Online Test Programs that Help You Decide.


So you have obviously survived the GDPR doomsday last month.

If you followed my simple checklist here, only minimal changes were needed at your webpage for complying with GDPR. You have saved money and time.

Now to the next step. Does your website need further improvement? Or not?

Read the following and save money and time by doing nothing.

Website Security

If you use a website for anything except passive reading, you would be wise to make sure that it is secure. This is especially true for subscription sites.

Here is a free service that lets you do this: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest

Type in the URL of the site and click the Submit button. The process may take two minutes.

My own subscription website www.IP-lawyer-tools.com is rated "A". Which is the best rating available.

Website Speed

My favorite tool for testing the speed of a website is PageSpeed Insights.

PageSpeed Insights reports on the real-world performance of a webpage for mobile and desktop devices and it provides suggestions on how that page may be improved.

It uses - among others - speed data from earlier accesses of a webpage by other users via the Google Chrome browser. Webpages are classified in three groups: Fast, Average, or Slow.

PageSpeed Insights also evaluates how well a page follows common performance best practices and computes a score from 0-100 that estimates its performance headroom for optimization. The score is categorized as being Good, Medium, or Low.

A speedy webpage can afford to remain less optimized.

The good thing of PageSpeed Insights is that it tests the speed of a website for mobile devices separately from the speed of the same website for mobile devices. My own webpage is accessed mostly from desktop computers (which includes laptops) because it is an e-learning website. Smart people tend to take notes and screenshots while they are listening.

Optimization of my own website www.IP-lawyer-tools.com is rated "79%" for mobile devices and "88%" for desktop computers. I am very happy with that rating because my webpage is fast and because it is still much better optimized than the PageSpeed Insight result of www.amazon.com.


The results for my personal website www.IP-lawyer-tools.com are excellent (security) or good (speed). This is important because this is a paid subscription webpage, which means that we deal with sensitive personal data and we handle paying customers that expect fast access to the information that they have paid for.

I don't care much about the speed of our free law firm's website www.trademarks-patents.com because it only acts as a landing page for providing our contact data to new clients, and nothing else. Its security level is excellent ("A") but this is an overkill. There is no upload data traffic to our firm's webpage, at all. I have even removed the contact form from our firm's webpage. Nobody has ever used it. And without it, we comply even better with GDPR. I will further strip our firm's webpage from useless gimmicks, whenever I find one.

Martin "cheap webpage" Schweiger

Visit my site, www.IP-Lawyer-Tools.com, for the latest information on tips and tricks that help IP lawyers saving time and money.

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Martin Schweiger
