Hello! If I were to get a patent for a process such as a social media platform connecting users of wearable technology, do I have to get international patents in all major countries where the platform would be used? For example, If I were to get a patent in the US, would I be protected against someone creating a clone in China, marketing to customers in Europe or the US? Since the internet allows for a product to be put on the market globally, must every technology be protected with a large number of patents?
Answers: 3 public & 0 private
Patents are territorial, meaning that patents only provide protection in the particular country in which they are granted. So if you obtained a US patent, you only have protection in the US - a US patent will not provide you with any protection outside of the US. There are effectively "exceptions", such as, if you file a European Patent Application, you can obtain a patent which is effectively valid within a group of countries, however, you have to at least file a patent with the European Patent Office. So, again, patents are only valid within a country, or a group of countries, in which you have actually obtained the patent.
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